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Hello There, I'm


DevOps | Ui/Ux Designer


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Dev Ops

Who Am I ?

My name is Evan DJEFIE. I am 23 years old, I live in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, and I'm a self-taught junior level DevOps engineer.

Development and Design has been my main focus for many years, specifically Web development, but I have the past years shifted my focus to cloud devops , which I have developed a great passion for.

I enjoy the constant change in the technologies used in the area and love diving into new frameworks and technologies.

Spending time developing, building, deploying and monitoring app based on cloud is something I enjoy a lot. For my last cloud devops experience, I have deploy with terraform a monitoring server that collects system metrics (RAM, DISK, CPU), as well as applications metrics .

Javascript (JS)
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Deploying my portfolio's docker image to aws ecr with terraform Voir

My Projects

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Designing a todoapp with the M.E.R.N. stack (Frontend ) Voir

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Creation of a whatsapp chatbot with Rasa, ngrok and Twilio Voir

Creation of a custom cloud infrastructure (vpc, ingress, subnet, etc...) and a cluster on aws eks with terraform Voir

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My Projects

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Creation of an online ticket sales platform with odoo and docker-compose Voir

Continuous integration and deployment (ci-cd) with jenkins and aws-cli (via pipeline) of my portfolio on the aws s3 service. voir

Creation of an e-commerce site for a pair of basketball shoes voir

Cluster creation on aws eks with terraform Voir

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Hire Me

Do not hesitate to contact me through the social network link mentioned below or by direct email on regardless of the subject.

+225 01 60 12 53 73

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